New Moon in Virgo

The new moon in Virgo arrives on Thursday, 9/14. As an earth sign Virgo invites us to examine our relationship with the structure of our lives - body, abode and the ways in which we nourish ourselves.

This is a season of recommitting to sacred acts of self- care. Small steps count.

Virgo also calls us to reflect upon the important roles that organization and routine play in our daily lives.

This new moon in Virgo emerges 1 week and 2 days prior to the Autumnal Equinox. In the 5 Element tradition of Chinese Medicine the season of Autumn relates to the Metal Element.

The Chinese character for metal depicts something buried deep in the earth, something that is precious & rare. And the character also depicts that these rarified treasures are hard to find.

And so it is within each us, within the holy earth of our bodies resides something precious and eternally unique.

Virgo invites reflection on how you’re tending the physicality of your life, while the steadily growing currents of Autumn call us to reflect on what we hold precious, within and without.

Questions for us to reflect upon:

Is there space in the turnings of daily life to connect with one’s innate preciousness?

Do you need to organize certain aspects of your living?

Are you yearning for more routine?

What do you hold precious about life?

What do you hold with high value?

What is it time to release?

All of the above questions and themes are woven into Renewal: 28 Days of Seasonal Nourishment and Ritual. We go deep into what it feels like to remember how good it feels to take precious care of ourselves. After all, This is the time of year to deepen sacred self care. It is also a prime opportunity to lean into your edge and perhaps, begin to practice tending yourself with gentility and compassion.

Register Here!

Renewal begins on Tuesday, 9/12, during the dark moon. We begin by setting intentions for the28 days. The course itself is well structured and offers a grounded and soulful routine to all who participate. We meet weekly on Tuesday evenings for 5 sessions. The group meetings afford learning, connection and a safe space for sharing insights.

Join us! Registration closes Sunday, at midnight. Email me if you need a different payment plan. Use code Virgo to receive a $75 discount.

Much love,

Martha Moon


Cycles & Seasons


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