Seasonal Medicine for Spring

Image by Bruno Kraler

The energetic movement of the Wood element is UP & OUT. Cue the dandelions pushing through the cracks in the pavement. As the energy of early Spring begins to rise within us it can manifest as anger, frustration and/or irritability especially so if/when we are under resourced.

Winter gives birth to Spring. When we have rested well (yin) then the rising (yang) is effortless.

The organ systems that correspond to the Wood Element are the Liver & Gall Bladder. The sense organ is the eye(s).

In Chinese Medicine the organs are referred to as Officials, Organ Networks or Systems. This is due to the understanding that each organ is imbued with emotional and psycho-spirtual governance as well as its physiological functioning.

For instance, the Liver Official has the primary function of smoothing or regulating the flow of qi throughout the bodymind. Qi, the subtle energy of the body, is the motive force of blood. Simply put, qi moves blood. This function has myriad manifestations from carrying blood to the tissues when needed, to moving menstrual blood, to smoothing the flow of emotions.

The characteristics of DETERMINATION, CLARITY & DECISIVENESS reflect a healthy expression of Wood Energy. The corresponding emotion is ANGER. (I prefer to think of it as ASSERTION or DETERMINATION.)

In The Spring Session of Renewal, you’ll learn/remember how to nourish your whole Self in Spring. You’ll fill your pockets with life giving gems, spend time intentionally connecting with the natural world and designing space for creative flow. You’ll learn how to support your Liver and Gall Bladder systems - with food, herbs & lifestyle practices - for optimal well being. You’ll also learn what depletes and/or congests these organ systems.

It’s going to be a fun, engaging and deeply nourishing Spring.


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