The Tea Will Be Ready Soon

I am rearranging the furniture in my house to make space for the crone.

Her fierceness.

Her wisdom.

Her magic.

As the natural world turns towards the cooler, darker months I am slipping into my snake skinned robe, lined with tufts of velvet, trimmed with eagle feathers, amethyst & artemisia .

I am sharpening the wild blade of my voice.

I am polishing the ores of my listening.

I am sleeping with the moon 🌚 and making love with the great Mystery.

Climbing trees and keeping council with plants.

I am gathering the holy bones of branches to make a fire that blazes with candor & kindness.

I am rediscovering the crimson deeps of my creativity.

I am learning to tell time with the hands of midnight while owl makes a great nest in the mighty limbs of my heart.

I am selecting the herbs, boiling the kettle and lighting the fire. The door is open.

Take your seat. Spread out into this sacred phase of your life.

The tea will be ready soon.


Creating Sacred Space


Measuring Time in a New Way: Menopause